
Contact for Fellowship team

Dorothy Carnes

CELL PHONE: 480-438-1115 (Leave a message)

EMAIL: Dotcarnes69@yahoo.com

Need help purchasing tickets or have questions about current or future events call the Fellowship team at :



Ministry Purpose & goals

Each year the Fellowship team gathers to plan social events to encourage fellowship among the members of the Spirit of Grace and to reach out to those in our community.

These events require a lot of work, but “work becomes worship when you dedicate your efforts to God and perform it with awareness of His presence” (Rev Rick Warren). When we think about our efforts in that way, everything we do to bring people together in Christian fellowship will have a deeper and special meaning.

We would love to have singles or couples join us to help plan and facilitate themed dinner evenings, service projects, entertainment evenings, game nights, seasonal events and educational events which are held throughout the calendar year.

Your ideas are welcome. Please come and join us. You’ll be glad you did!


We meet monthly on the first Thursday at 3 pm at the church.