
Contact for library

Carole Parnell

PHONE: 623-214-5550



Ministry Purpose & goals

Your library is located between the Narthex and the Secretary’s office.  It is open any time the church is open and staffed Saturday night and Sunday morning.

The Church Library has a large variety of religious, inspirational and fiction titles - books, magazines and DVD’s - available for members to borrow.

Materials can be borrowed for three weeks by using the sign-out procedure explained on the desk.

Our mission is to provide resources that support the values of Spirit of Grace.  The library has over 1500 titles −books, magazines, DVDs, CDs and tapes.

Our team meets once a month to discuss what we have been reading, process new books, shelve returned items and create a welcoming atmosphere in the library where members of the congregation can enjoy reading, solitude or friendly encounters.

We welcome donations of books and new members to the ministry.
Stop in and browse. You’re sure to find something of interest.


We meet monthly on the last Tuesday at 1:00pm in the church.