Prayer Shawls

Contact for Prayer Shawls Ministry

Mary Ann Homewood

PHONE: 623-215-3991



Ministry Purpose & goals

A prayer shawl is a handmade shawl−either knitted or crocheted.  The only difference between a prayer shawl and any other shawl is in the process of making it.

When making a prayer shawl, the crafter chooses a prayer that is said before beginning the project.  The crafter is very intentional about their work.  They infuse the piece with their prayer.

The process is soothing for the crafters as they work and provides a sense of peace for the recipient.

The shawls, when completed, are blessed during a regularly scheduled church service and stored in the Fellowship Hall.

Spirit of Grace members may select a prayer shawl for their own needs or for their family and friends who are facing a life challenge.  The goal is to provide comfort for the recipient who can feel the love and care that went into the piece.


This group meets in Café Grace usually in the Spring and Fall.  Please contact Mary Ann Homewood to have your name added to the email list of members.  When added to the member list, you will receive a notice for the date and time of the Prayer Shawl meetings.