Worship Services


Sunday Services at 9:30am

We gather for worship each Saturday and Sunday to sing God’s praises, hear the word, confess our faith, celebrate the Lord’s Supper, and respond to God’s grace by offering our gifts of self, time, and treasures. We invite all God’s people to the Lord’s Supper. We believe that Christ is present in His sacrament, offering His love and forgiveness, offering His body and blood in the bread and the wine. If you believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, we welcome you to the Lord’s Table. You need not be a member of this church, or even this denomination, to receive the sacrament. Following Sunday worship service please join us for fellowship, coffee and goodies at Café Grace in the FELLOWSHIP HALL.

Saturday Service at 5:00 PM

Spirit of Grace provides a Saturday Evening Worship Service to enable those who can’t make it on Sunday morning to participate in weekly worship. The sermon and service are identical to Sunday morning with Holy Communion being celebrated.

Recordings of Sermons and Services

Video recordings of Sermons, Services are available on line. For online videos - click here or click on the YouTube icon at the top right corner of the Home page.